Thursday, March 11, 2010

This is Why I Don't Get Invited to More Parties


You guys, I'm gonna be honest: I've been typing for forty minutes here, and deleting all of it. I'm up to my neck in work these days, but not in any ways that make for interesting storytelling (unless you want to hear about how today I would gladly have knocked some four-year-old heads together and considered that perhaps coal mining is an under-appreciated field). I have notes, I have things I want your opinions on and things I want to sort out to figure out my opinions, but when I try and write them out...nada.

I have written all but one post on this blog with a sleeping babe in arms, which is a little like trying to be creative and funny whilst holding a bomb, one without the benefit of a little countdown clock. I never know how long I have and I'm constantly aware of the fact that, with every failed attempt at getting the writing Just Right, I am losing valuable minutes of babylessness. So I get more frustrated, feel more pressured, and, of course, get more stuck. Then the kid wakes up and I have an unfinished post and am still further behind in reading/commenting on all of your loveliness.

Speaking of which, in all of this, I blame you. Yes, you, the funny one. Who updates regularly. With your wit and your charm and your saying-everything-I-want-to-say-but-first-and-better. Who do you think you are? Holding the rest of us to such a standard. Have a little consideration, would you?

Anyway, I have only one more week of work and then two weeks off for spring break, so please bear with me while I stumble through for a little longer. Then my class is over, hopefully work will have settled down, and, um...well, not much is likely to have changed, but surely having two weeks off will find me rested and renewed and riting (yes, of course I know it's spelled wrong, but don't you enjoy the symmetry of the "r"s?).

In exchange for your patience, I offer you...Aunt Benevola!

At some point last fall, my sister posted something on her Facebook page like, "Benevola has discovered that, if you use your dustbuster to clean up cinnamon, subsequent clean-ups will make your house smell like pie." I e-mailed her to ask exactly how much cinnamon she had spilled that she required a dustbuster to clean it up. This was her reply:

"The Cinnamon Story"

So, we had a minor ant infestation early this summer, as we do every year. However, these are not the normal ants, that gravitate towards, say, a dropped potato chip on the floor; they seemed to gather in odd non-food places, like the bathroom. I tried putting traps out (the kind that they feed off of, and then take the poison back to the colony, and poison the whole colony, thereby eliminating one's ant population), but these traps seemed to be geared towards attracting normal food-seeking ants, so they were not interested in said traps.

Then one day I discovered them crawling all over a bottle of peach Schnapps behind our bar. Apparently, a bit of the sugary liqueur had dripped over the side of the bottle, and this particular brood of ants must have been of the Lindsay Lohan variety: not interested in food, but loving their girly mixed drinks. So I placed a drop of Schnapps on the edge of the ant traps, and immediately noticed them streaming into the dens of poison I had set out. After a week or so, the traps must've done the trick, because they all about disappeared...

Until a couple of weeks later. I opened the pantry, and noticed a few rogue ants roaming around on the top shelf. In hindsight, I should've just cleared the shelf of opened food (this being my bread & chip shelf) and left well enough alone. But I was drunk with my own ingenuity for discovering their weakness, and instead took the food out and placed a Schnapps-laced ant trap on the pantry shelf.

Within days, my pantry was crawling with more ants than I've ever seen. Apparently, it seems I had just opened the most popular ant bar in town, and they invited seventeen other colonies to sip on peach my pantry!! And they didn't seem to be making it home to their colonies to poison the rest--they were passing out on each others couches until they slept it off enough to revisit this bar the next day! I think I might've even spotted the Olsen twins at one point.

So now I couldn't very well put food back into the pantry, as that would just have encouraged late night drunken snacking, so for two weeks, my bread and chips and any penetrable dry food product sat on my dining room table while my pantry continued to be the hot spot nightclub, paparazzi camping out at all hours, really quite a headache.

Finally, I caved, and grabbed a can of Raid. Then I got scared to put the food back, a) because I'd just laced my pantry with real poison (the kill-you-dead kind, not the sneakier, take back to your ant family and kill you later kind,) and b) I didn't want to re-open the party central my pantry had become. So I inter-web searched for a "green"er way to keep the ants at bay, and I ran across several articles about ants hating cinnamon (also, pepper, FYI). So I cleaned my pantry out with soap and water, and sprinkle cinnamon around the edges of my pantry, as well as the edges of my kitchen floor leading to my pantry.

I kept vigilant watch and did not spot a single ant venturing towards my pantry, and eventually tentatively restocked. After a week, I did have to clean up the cinnamon on the floor at least, to somewhat take back control of my house, and my life. Here's where the dustbuster comes in.

To this moment, I still don't know whether the ants didn't come back because of the Raid or the cinnamon, but I do know next year I will just keep a bottle of peach Schnapps in the bathroom, surrounded by ant traps, and hope for the best.

See? Funny and useful. Also, raise your hand if you thought a simple story about cleaning up cinnamon would involve any mention of the Olsen twins.

Baby still asleep. Off to see what you all have been up to.


  1. I love this story! Had to chuckle at the paparazzi/Olsen twins/Lohan ants and their partying antics! Very clever.

  2. I kind of want to party with your sister's ants. They sound bad ass.

  3. Cinnamon totally works. It is a pain to clean, and because it's oil-based it takes more than vacuuming. But it works without poison, which I dig.
    Also? The funny and frequently updated blogs? Those people have kids who sleep. They also write seven posts when it occurs to them, and schedule them to post all week so they don't really update that often.
    Just saying.

  4. I have heard of cinnamon working but....... Also olive oil works.
    However I dont ever remember seeing any "famous" faces when using it.

  5. What a hilarious story!!

    I had a friend who had ants, and her husband had this bright idea to cut open a watermelon and let the ants feast on that. His thinking was that the ants would all conglomerate in one area, making it a cinch to dispose of the vermin when he threw out the watermelon.

    Boy was he ever wrong.

    They were TOTALLY INVADED by the ants. And these were those little bitty black ants, and I never knew those fuckers BIT until I went over to their house and got eaten up with ant bites.

    I didn't know cinnamon worked. I'll have to keep that in mind!

  6. TKW--I think so, too. Don't you think it's a sign of my maturity that I didn't try to take credit for it?

    Elly--You wouldn't like 'em. No vaginas.

    Naptime--Thanks for the comfort. I have a very hard time not comparing myself to the likes of...well, you.

    Soccermom--How is it applied? More importantly, how is it cleaned up later?

    Jen--That is hilarious. I mean, sad for them, and for your ant bites, but hilarious for the imagery.

  7. Have been up since 3 am DST completely screwed up my bio clock. I can't think of anything witty to say (It's all Elly's fault again! I need to try and comment before she does. Way to ruin my game, lady!) I will just give it to you straight up: LOVE THIS POST! And am printing out your other posts so I can read them! By the way, do you know about the YouTube meme of people trying to eat cinnamon and throwing up?
    You are welcome. LOL

  8. Me?!? What about Falling pointing out the lack o' ant vaginas?!? Like she wasn't already extra cool with her mad vaseline collection.
