Saturday, February 13, 2010


We recently had a training at work, and as part of it, we were divided into groups and asked to play various preschooler games. At my table, we were given a game where two people took turns gingerly setting plastic monkeys on a plastic mountain which balanced on a small plastic rocker. The idea was to try to add each monkey without tipping the whole thing over. Now, this game is nothing I'd use with kids in my classroom, as a general rule, because it requires a) patience and b) fine motor skills, and my kids tend to struggle with one or the other, if not both. However, I did find something redeeming about the game: I could use photos of it as a cheat-y way to do a blog post.

So far, so good. Do not break balance, kids. Let's play by turns.

I appreciate the "please" here. And let's do make turn to put monkeys...somewhere.

The next time my kids play a game of Candyland or Cariboo or whatever, I'm going to be sure to refer to the other kids as "your rivals."


Aw. In this last picture, it's clearly hoping that everyone wins. Of course, this isn't what happened in our group. Instead, whoever toppled the mountain was instantly cast out of the group for bringing much shame upon us.

It's possible we weren't terribly attentive to the original point of the exercise.


  1. Lol! I love professional development like that where you leave wondering, "what did we just learn?" Great pics. I could totally use that game for something with my high school students, I'm just not sure what yet.

  2. I trip on level ground. I'm pretty sure I'd suck at that game. I like monkeys though. Does that count?

  3. RIVALS! I spit on your pathetic attempts to not break balance. This game is some sort of Machievellian plot to weed out those without dictator skills. I don't think I spelled Machievellian right so that just totally stole any thunder I was hoping to have here. God, I'm a moron.

  4. LOL! The grammar kills me!

    I don't know how many monkey's I could put, but probably not that many in my turn. 'Specially since I always knock down something breakable and moderately expensive by the simple act of BENDING OVER.

    Damn pregnancy weight.


  5. "How many monkeys did you put?" sounds dirty. I don't know why.

    I feel like asking a sailor on shore for vacation: Hey, so, Bobby. How many monkeys did you put?!

  6. Hee. I like how y'all are seriously assessing your abilities with the game...a game meant for four-year-olds.

    Submom, now I think it sounds dirty, too, and I'm pretty sure Bobby's answer is, "Your mom."
