Monday, February 8, 2010

To Call This Fluff Would Be an Insult to Fluff

A quick thought-dump before bed, as the Tank is cutting teeth, with all of the lovely night-waking that implies...

Thank you all for your kind words about my uncle. I really appreciate it. Times like this make me want to tell people I have a blog, so that I can brag about the nice people in the computer.


I was talking to my terribly smart friend C (of "it's not meth" fame) today and she was telling me about an argument she'd had with her husband the night before, and she described her feeling today as "having a fight hangover." Don't you love that? And you totally know that feeling, right? That day-after, not-still-mad-but-not-really-happy, fatigued-all-talked-out-yet-rewriting-the-conversation-in-your-head place. And you tiptoe around each other, smiling and being extra considerate, but the peace is fragile and tentative, like paper that's been taped back together. Total fight hangover.


If you can keep a straight face when a four-year-old (who happens to be known for his temper) walks around cheerfully singing Darth Vader's theme at the top of his lungs, you are a better person than I.


We have a set of these salt and pepper shakers. Recently, a friend over for dinner casually said, "Huh. Why do you have KKK salt and pepper shakers?"

Um, what now?

First of all, what about these little huggy ghosts screams "Klan" to you? Secondly, what about me makes you think, even for a second, that I would own KKK salt and pepper shakers? Thirdly, the hell?


OK. Must go lay (lie? Can anyone definitively explain the lay/lie thing to me?) down now...MOTH is in tech week for the show he's working on, so I had the boy solo for the whole weekend, and I am waving the white flag. It was such a delight to go to work today and be able to pee without simultaneously trying to keep little grubby hands out of the trash/off toilet brush/away from the diaper sprayer. I am a woman of simple pleasures.


  1. Loved the taped paper analogy. Falling writes pretty things when sleep deprived. Yay!

  2. Okay, first, I'm pissed that this post wasn't about marshmallows. You say Fluff, I say Ye-ah. Fluff? Ye-ah.
    Second: teething sucks ass. end of story.
    Third: You "lie" when you "recline" and you "lay" when you "place" something. "Lie" is for I and "lay" is for a "thang". Lie is reflexive and lay takes an object, which means a subject lies himself or herself and lays someone else Pun intended. Lie:who::lay:whom.
    (Those are all the pneumonic tricks I have for remembering. You went to lie down, is the short answer. And people lie low, and let sleeping dogs lie; but they lay down the law and lay out their reasons.)

  3. Elly--aw, thanks. Interestingly, you haven't yet seen me really non-sleep-deprived. Just imagine how good I might be...

    Naptime--Sorry about the non-mallow. But thank you for the lay/lie explanation! I think I might have known that at one point, but figured, nah, it's too simple. I am a footsoldier in your grammarian army!

  4. Your fluff turns me on.

    Love "Fight Hangover" will definitely steal it. No wonder I have a headache ALL THE F TIME!

    I have seen the ghosts S&P set and thought about buying them because they are so cute! But now I looked at them again... LOL. I will never be able to look at them again without thinking KKK...

  5. Definitive explanation of the "lay/lie" thing: Use "to lay" with a direct object. E.g: "Now I lay me down to sleep," "Lay the book on the table," "Lay down some tracks." Use "to lie" when there is no direct or indirect object; although there may be a preposition: "Please lie down." (But you COULD say: "Please lay yourself down.") Ya see?

  6. And P.S: I think those S&P shakers are kyoot. So there.
