Sunday, January 10, 2010

More Bloggy Love

You guys! (For full effect, that should be read with the "I can't believe it I'm so stunned but secretly I've been hoping for this for months" inflection of the girl whose bra was just snapped by some mouth-breathing jock in the junior high hallway.) Elly over at BugginWord done give me an award! And all she asks for in return is hot lesbian monkey sex with painted ferrets while listening to Rod Stewart (in order to understand those references you will have to go read her blog, which you really ought to be doing anyway).

Ironically, this award is given for commenting, which is something I have been really bad about doing lately (in addition to blogging, exercising, shaving my legs, and countless other neglected activities), for which I have no excuse, given that I've had three weeks off school. I plead traveling, yet another dad-blarned baby cold, and general holiday madness.

So, if I understand how this award works, I list five things I enjoy (general enough for you? I could do, like, Five Things I Enjoy On Ice Cream, or Five Things I Enjoy When No-One's Looking, or Five Things I Enjoy About Rhinoceroses...), then I give a shout-out (who's white? I am!) to five of my "loyal followers who make your day with frequent and cool comments.”

So, Five Apparently Unrelated Things I Enjoy:

1) Reading a book for hours at a stretch, hopefully with a sweet snack to nibble on idly
2) That moment when, either because you hit snooze or because you realize it's Saturday, you roll over and go back to sleep
3) Having warm laundry dumped on me...mmmm...
4) Making someone laugh, especially if it's someone who makes me laugh
5) Bike riding on city streets at night

Now here comes the good part. I think I have exactly five people who I could call followers, and I have certainly tested their loyalty by my scanty posts as of late. So, everyone wins! See, with other bloggers, you might have to gnaw your fingernails, wondering if you would be one of the lucky chosen ones, and sending small tokens of appreciation in hopes of being recognized. But not with me! All you have to do is show up! I mean...

(Hm. I'm not sure who I'm insulting more or you guys. Let's move on to the award while I still have all five of you...)

Submom at Absence of Alternatives: You were my first (bashfully kicks ground), and you continue to post lovely, funny, and encouraging comments--sometimes apologizing, even for commenting "too much." As if such a thing were possible!

Jen at Nathan Rising: Besides the fact that you are always supa-dupa sweet, I think our babies are almost exactly the same age, so I have a fantasy that they'll grow up and be college roommates in some wacky buddy movie. Could happen, right?

The Kitchen Witch
: Because I think that in real life, you would shun me for my terribly pedestrian tastebuds, I cling like a howler monkey to each smart and funny thing you write online. Which includes, um, everything you write.

Naptime Writing
: Everything I can say, you can say better. So just the fact that you come by and don't shake your head pityingly at me is really enough for me.

Elly at BugginWord: You make me snort more than any person in recent memory. Also, you have kicked major cancer ass, which means that you're a superhero and it's best to keep on your good side.

Good night, my lovelies. You are all the collective wind beneath my bloggy wings.


  1. Congratulations!!!! And "aw shucks!" Thank you for the sweet words. The 5 things you mentioned, lovely! Now let me know when you get to do any of them (Except #4) with a new baby. Because I still can't see myself doing them! LOL.

    p.s. I promise I will do an award post. Soon. It's 3 am and I am trying to catch up on my blog reading and commenting! This is insane...

  2. You rocked #4 of your "things you enjoy" list today, Missy. Repeatedly. I might go read that again just for fun....

  3. Congratulations to you!! Your 5 Enjoyable Things are hilarious... especially number 3. Because although I'm sure I would also enjoy nestling deep into freshly-scented and warm laundry, I would also have a panic attack at the thought of cleaning UP said laundry. And oh, don't even get me started on wrinkles they would have. Ok, I'll shut up now!

    And thank you for passing on your award to me. You're right, you never know... our kids could end up college roomies one day... and none of us would ever know that we "know" each other! LOL! Except one day, Nathan would be all like, Dude, my mom totally wrote about my Mega Poops on her stupid blog when I was a baby, and Tankbaby-Man would be all like, DUDE! That was YOU? Your mom practically lived at my mom's blog!

  4. A Howler Monkey??? Girl, you crack my shit up! And I am grateful for the award and that you thought of me.

    And since you know I SUCK, I will post my 5 things here:

    5 things I enjoy

    1. Booze
    2. These 3 pairs of audaciously ugly socks I own that look like alien fluff, but they keep my feet soooooo warm.
    3. 10 uninterrupted minutes in the shower. For the record, this has not happened since 2001.
    4. Fresh flowers. Alas, I always have to buy them for myself because nobody else does.
    5. Virtual friends who make me laugh. You're one of them.

  5. Your list of five is way too grounded and peaceful and in touch with the planet for my taste. ;-) Now I feel all inferior. So here goes.
    Five Things I Enjoy:
    Hearing someone laugh while they read something I wrote.
    Standing in the rain while the sun shines.
    Hiking at sunrise.
    Sleep, book, more sleep, more book.
    Awesome cooking.
    And a sixth, that makes me uncomfortable but is sheer heaven:
    Having someone else do stuff for me. Lots of stuff. Like all the stuff on my list of things to do.

  6. See, and that's why I love you guys.

    FWIW, I didn't say that I had recently done any of the things I so enjoy. That list could have been called "Five Things I Enjoy That I Haven't Really Done Since Having a Baby So It's A Good Thing His Head Smells So Good."
