Thursday, November 19, 2009

Out of the Mouths of Babes...

Today, one of my kids was having a hard day and everything was frustrating him. He was at our "job board," trying to decide between line leader and cup helper. Finally, he burst out, "Fuck this job!" It took every ounce of restraint I had not to respond, "Amen, brother."

Aaaand...that's all she wrote tonight, folks. I have a headache that I'm hoping is just a headache and not some harbinger of doom. We've had a lot of staff out sick lately (the reason for today's headache...we weren't short-staffed enough to warrant canceling the group, just enough to make it completely chaotic and Lord of the Flies-y in my classroom), and I'm really, really, really hoping that this headache isn't the beginning of illness, swine-related or otherwise. I have all of next week off, and I'd rather not spend it miserable and sick. I have big plans to clean and childproof my house to that I don't have to call Child Protective Services on myself. Any suggestions for what to do when you live in an old house with limited outlets, necessitating the use of surge protectors and extension cords, and your baby wants to teethe solely on power cords? When we had a rabbit who chewed cords, we used a bitter apple spray to discourage the behavior...


  1. "Fuck this job!" I think I love your kid.

  2. LOL at the kid's outburst. Did you have to reprimand him though just to keep up the appearances of being a good case worker? And me too, Amen to that!

    I am so sorry to hear about your headache. I am keeping my fingers crossed for you. As for how to deal with Tank Baby who is now turning into a rabbit... we at first pushed all the furniture against the walls so as to present our son with a wide empty space of carpet that he can roam about. If that is not feasible for you, we also used a play yard and looked like this: Eventually though, we used the play yard to block the walls and not to pen the kid in. p.s. Don't feel guilty for putting your kid in a pen like this. Anybody that tzk tzk you can bite me.

  3. TKW--I should clarify that my biological offspring is only 8 months old, and therefore (hopefully) at least a week or two away from dropping the F bomb. This is a kid in my class. And I do love him.

    Submom--I actually just ignore the swearing from this kid. He hears it at home all the time, and he doesn't do it to get attention, he just thinks that's the way everyone talks. I generally just rephrase what he says in a way that validates his emotion ("It sounds like you're really mad") and try not to let him see me snicker. No sense encouraging it.

    Thanks for the safety tips...our house is small enough that the furniture is already against the walls. But you'll be pleased to know that our pack and play is currently serving as a gate for the fireplace. Now I just need to store the dog dishes in there.
